
Capítulo 10: “Mining and Consensus”

Material Principal

Para esta sesión socrática debes leer la Guía de Minería de Bitcoin

También debes leer el Capítulo 10: Mining and Consensus del Libro Mastering Bitcoin. Estos son los enlaces a la segunda edición del libro en inglés y la versión del libro en español. Se recomienda leer en inglés, ya que es la versión más actualizada y completa, pero es tu elección. Hemos estructurado las sesiones de acuerdo con los capítulos del libro en inglés.

⚠️ Importante: Los términos técnicos siempre se dirán en inglés para facilitar el aprendizaje del idioma y la inmersión en el desarrollo de software de Bitcoin y LN. Ver metodología de traducción.

Lecturas complementarias

Difficulty (30 min)

Minería de Bitcoin (30 min)

Bloques Huerfanos (10 min)

Hashrate y su Importancia (10 min)

Nonce (20 min)

Mining Pool (10 min)

Esquema de recompensas de Pools (10 min)

Preguntas de discusión

🛑 Antes de resolver las preguntas del capítulo, revisa las instrucciones de trabajo de la sesión aquí
  1. How does mining solve the Byzantine Generals’ Problem?
  2. What happens to a transaction that isn’t validated by your node?
  3. What happens if a miner tries to pay itself a higher subsidy than allowed?
  4. Under what circumstances would a node receive an orphan block? Why would it not be discarded if its parent hasn’t been received? How long should a node wait? Do you see any problems with keeping it for a long time?
  5. A 10-minute block interval was set by Satoshi. Is that too slow? How might we speed it up? What problems might be caused by a shorter interval?
  6. How is a miners’ work monitored by pools?
  7. How do p2pools work? Why is this not the main method used?
  8. What is the risk of hash concentration by the miner pools?
  9. What prevents miners from signaling that they will support an upgrade but later not enforce it?
  10. Upgrades have become increasingly more difficult to get merged and accepted by the community. Should we make it easier? If so, how?

Preguntas de aprendizaje

  1. What is the purpose of mining?
  2. What will happen when the last block is mined out?
  3. Why is the emission reduced every 4 years?
  4. Mention some criteria that nodes take into consideration to verify transactions.
  5. What are mining nodes? Is the same software required as Bitcoin Core?
  6. How new transactions are added to the block?
  7. What is a Coinbase TX? How is it built? Consumes a UTXO?
  8. Why are there empty blocks?
  9. What does the term Difficulty refer to?
  10. How is a new block validated?
  11. What is Hash Rate? What is it for? How is it calculated?
  12. What is a mining pool?
  13. What is a consensus attack?
  14. What does this sentence mean: “The hash of the block header is equal to or less than the target”.